Monday, October 22, 2007

Oh Not Good!

Well we had pretty bad winds and rain last night, not to mention the temperature dropped about 25 degrees. We woke up this morning to no electricity, which makes it really hard to get ready for work. On top of that Seajay was crying on and off last night, which was strange because she had a perfect first night here, so I was extra tired. So no electricity, freezing cold wind and rain outside, and doggies who decided they didn't want to go potty outside in the freezing cold, but that instead, our carpet was the perfect place to go to the bathroom-yup BOTH OF THEM. Luckily (I guess) they decided to go on the carpet AFTER the lights came back on-hey at least I could see in order to clean up the pee right? Oh well, we still love them both times infinity, and I got to work unshowered but on time. Just another day in paradise. :0)

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